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Korea: the Intersection of Religions

Films / 19 september 2009

Korea: the Intersection of Religions

South Korea today: Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity. It is hard to understand how a person can follow three religions simultaneously. Yet, Koreans live that way. They follow core values of each religion depending on nature of what they seek.

Tags: Travel, Religion, Buddhism, Korea


Return of the Prophet

Films / 19 september 2009

Return of the Prophet

A miracle you may touch… The only known and confirmed case of imperishable body thoughts the whole world. The story of Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov, the leader of Buddhists in Russia in the early 20th century. His phenomenon intrigues many scientists and attracts thousands of believers from all over the world.

Tags: Religion, Philosophy, History, Buddhism, Itigelov, Russia